Current Exhibition


A secret project.

Super Secret Projects presents Shhhh…, an interactive exhibit exploring the things we hold on to and the things we wish we didn’t. 

This shows features a 8ft loom where vistors are invited to write a secret on strip of fabric then weave it into the loom.

The artists of Super Secret Projects extend an invitation to engage in a communal purging of secrets. Using materials that have either been discarded or left to disuse within our own homes, the work featured in Shhhh… creates new life and lightness from the old objects that weigh us down. Abandoned art projects are revisited, disposable materials are transformed into lasting totems, and scraps become a vector for our heaviest secrets as we welcome our friends and neighbors to co-create alongside the members of our collective.

At a time when accumulation has never been easier but divestment from material culture has never felt harder, Shhhh examines the space where the physical urge to collect intersects with the emotional urge to unburden. A community loom anchors the exhibit, and we invite all to contribute to the completion of this work by writing down their own secrets, shames, and stigmas and hand-knotting them into the piece; using discarded physical materials to weave a living repository capable of supporting the weight of our collective psychic clutter.

Work will be on display at the Super Secret Project speakeasy-style gallery, located at 484 Main St, Beacon NY, behind the Hyperbole shop.

Monthly Meeting

Artist Social Night

Our monthly Artist Social Night is a gathering where artists and art enthusiasts come together to engage in lively discussions, exchange ideas, and present their work to others. Many artists work in solitude, so this monthly meeting provides them with the opportunity to receive feedback and have others interact with their work. Whether an experienced artist is looking to share their latest work or seeking inspiration, everyone and every medium is welcome!.

Super Secret Projects Gallery, 484 Main St, Beacon, NY.

Super Secret Projects is an artist run initiative created to foster community and facilitate opportunities for emerging and mid-career artists to collaborate, experiment and share their work.

Location + Hours

Open daily from 11am - 6pm.

Speakeasy-style gallery

found in the back of the shop Hyperbole - 484 Main St, Beacon, NY